This programme has different enrolment dates for new learners

This programmes enrolment dates are different for new learners. Please check the table on the 'Choose course and apply' tab for the exact date you need to enrol by.

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Admission Process

Ākonga must meet all entry requirements and have a partner school placement in order to be admitted to the programme.

All applicants must:

  • undergo Police vetting in accordance with the Children’s Act 2014;
  • sign a declaration of convictions, pending charges or matters which may impact on their ability to register as a teacher, including mental and physical fitness;
  • Include in the above declaration a commitment to immediate disclose any such matters that arise while enrolled in the programme.
  • provide two confidential referees, from persons who are not related to the applicant, and can comment on their personal and professional qualities appropriate for teaching in their specified sector, at least one of whom has observed them working with tamariki/children; and
  • sign a declaration that they are in good health (having no medical, physical or psychological conditions which would preclude working with tamariki)
  • provide a current curriculum vitae.

Applicants meeting these requirements will be required to:

  • participate in an online interview, and
  • complete a literacy and numeracy test set by Open Polytechnic. Applicants must pass the literacy and numeracy test in order to be offered a place on the programme.
     Literacy and Numeracy Information Sheet



You need to give us details of two people who know you in a professional capacity. They must have agreed to provide confidential reports in support of your application. You need to include their:

  • Name
  • Occupation
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Your referees must not be close friends or relatives.
One referee must have observed you working with tamariki/children.
If you don't have their email addresses, you can send them a link to the online version.

Referee Report form


Police vetting

When you apply, you need complete a Vetting Request and Consent form. The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand requires us to undertake a police check on all students over the age of 17. This form authorises the New Zealand Police to share information about you with Open Polytechnic*. All information is confidential.

When you return this form, you need to include two forms of identification. These must be verified by a trusted referee.

You can download the form and details of how to complete and return it during the online enrolment process.

Vetting Request and Consent Form

*Note – Initial Teacher Education students have a role that involves the delivery of education to children/tamariki. Therefore, pursuant to Section 16 of the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004, criminal convictions will not be released IF the applicant is eligible for clean slate.


Teach NZ scholarships 

Please see for information about Teach NZ scholarships. You need to apply for a scholarship as early as possible; do not wait until you have been accepted into the programme. If you would like a copy of our helpsheet “Teach NZ Application Advice”, please email to request this.


After you apply

After we get your application and all required documentation, we will get in touch to acknowledge receipt of your application.

After the application close off date, we will let you know if your application has been accepted for an online interview.