Entry requirements

To apply for this training scheme you must:

  • Already have an Initial Teacher Education qualification.
  • Apply for a new Practising certificate and confirm with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand that you are required to complete TER.
  • Meet the Teaching Council English Language requirements. 

Police vetting

You also need to complete a Police Vetting in accordance with the Children's Act 2014. This is a requirement of the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, which requires us to undertake a police check on all students over the age of 17.

When you fill in the enrolment application form, download and fill in the required 'Vetting and Consent form'. This form authorises the New Zealand Police to share information about you with Open Polytechnic*. All information is confidential.

When you return this form, you need to include two forms of identification, which must be verified by a trusted referee. Do not email us your vetting form until you have submitted your application.

*Note – Teacher Education Refresh students have a role that involves the delivery of education to children/tamariki. Therefore, pursuant to Section 16 of the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004, criminal convictions will not be released IF the applicant is eligible for clean slate.

Police vetting form

Recognition of prior learning

Recognition of prior learning is not available for this training scheme. 

International learners and domestic learners living overseas

This training scheme is available to domestic learners living overseas, but is not available for international learners living overseas. 

Computer and internet requirements

Courses in this training scheme are delivered online. This means you will access course materials and submit assessments online, so you to have need regular access to a computer and reliable internet. When your course(s) start you need to log in regularly and work through the online course materials.

If you are unsure if your current computer or internet access allows you to complete your online learning with us, please contact us before applying to enrol.