New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) (Level 4)


Closed to new enrolments
This programme is delivered fully online. Watch our video to see what online study with Open Polytechnic is like.

The purpose of this programme is to provide Aotearoa New Zealand with people who have business administration and technology skills to work in a range of office administration roles.

Graduates of this programme will be able to apply business technologies to perform a wide range of administrative duties and tasks under broad guidance, in accordance with ngā kaupapa o te Tiriti o Waitangi (the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi), and in a multi-cultural environment. 

Award of this qualification may equip graduates towards provisional certification by the Association of Administrative Professionals of New Zealand (AAPNZ) 

Update for new learners  

This version of NZ2461 New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) (Level 4) is closed to new learners.

A new version of the programme is open for enrolment. Please click on the link below to apply to enrol in the new version.

New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology) (Level 4)


Update for re-enrolling learners 

If you were already enrolled in this version of the programme up to and including 23 April 2024 you will be able to re-enrol to complete this version of the programme.

Please note, to be awarded this version of the programme, you must successfully complete all programme requirements by 31 August 2026, or within three years of your first enrolment if you started prior to 2022.

If you have any questions, or need assistance with a study plan, please contact us.  

What you will learn 

When you achieve this qualification, you will be able to: 

  • Select and apply business applications and technological devices to provide administrative services to meet business needs 
  • Process comprehensive data, produce detailed information, and perform detailed financial calculations for business purposes 
  • Maintain administrative systems and processes and make recommendations for improvements to meet business needs 
  • Collaborate and contribute to the achievement of team objectives 
  • Select and apply customer service techniques to consistently meet stakeholder expectations 
  • Behave professionally and ethically and in a socially and culturally responsible manner, and apply personal and interpersonal skills in administration roles, to support the performance of the entity 

 Career opportunities 

This qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to be employed in a wide range of general business administration roles in a variety of sectors, including business and cultural or community contexts. 

Study pathways 

This qualification provides a pathway to a range of qualifications.  These include: 

New Zealand Certificate in Business (Accounting Support Services) (Level 4) 

New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4) 

New Zealand Certificate in Business (Small Business) (Level 4) 

New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) with strands in:

Award of this qualification may equip graduates towards provisional certification by the Association of Administrative Professionals of New Zealand (AAPNZ)