New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) (Marketing and Sales)
- Overview
- Entry requirements
Choose courses and apply
Qualification Structure
You must complete all the courses listed below to gain this qualification.
The study workload for each course is approximately 10 - 13 hours per week. Courses have a 20-week enrolment period, which includes 16 weeks for learning and assessments, and four additional weeks if more time is needed. For each course you will generally need to complete an assessment every five weeks.
Enrolment options
You can enrol in one, two, three or four courses at a time. Typically, learners enrol into one or two courses at a time to ensure a more manageable study workload.
If you study one or two courses at a time you can progress as fast as you like through your study then let us know when you're ready to enrol in the next course/s.
Studying all four courses at once:
- This will be a workload of around 40 hours of study a week, which may be higher when assessments are due.
- We recommend you only do this if you need to apply for a Student Loan with Student Allowance, Living Costs or Course Related Costs.
- If you are working fulltime or have other fulltime commitments, we recommend studying one or two courses at a time.
Get help to plan your study
If you want help to plan your study or to explore if full or part-time study is for you, feel free to contact us to talk to a Student Advisor.
Need help choosing your courses?
Our student advisors can help you choose the right courses to suit your needs.