Te tautoko i te angitū o ngā ākonga Māori - Supporting Māori learner success

Te tautoko i te angitū o ngā ākonga Māori - Supporting Māori learner success

Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai

Nurture the seed and it will blossom.

At Kuratini Tuwhera, our ākonga are important to us. We offer a range of services and solutions to help you succeed in your learning journey. 



Nau mai haere mai

Whether you’re new to studying with us or already part of the whānau, we’re here to get to know you and answer any pātai (questions) you might have.

If you are a new ākonga (learner), one of the first things we’ll do is invite you to connect with a Student Mentor who will guide you through those first few important steps of your online study journey. They will help you get set up and familiar with your new online learning environment. They’ll also make sure you have all the information you need to get started in your studies.

Ngā Ratonga Kaihāpai | Kaihāpai Māori Services

We have a dedicated team of Kaihāpai Māori (Māori Student Mentors) available to assist you during any part of your learning journey, from beginning to end. They can help with any questions that are not course content or assessment related. They can give you advice or guidance about:

  • study skills
  • motivation and time-management
  • assessment extensions, including getting extra time if you need it (Special Consideration).

Feel welcome to get in touch using the link below or call and ask to be connected to a Kaihāpai Māori.


L-R :  Renee Mikaio – Ngāti Whawhakia, Ngāti Māhanga,  Nadia Flowers – Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga, Muaūpoko, Rangitaane, Bronson Wharehinga - Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Wairoa and Ngāti Porou, Debbie WipaniNgāti Ruanui, Ngā Puhi,  Tom Anderson Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Aupōuri, Ngā Puhi, Te Arawa


Puna Tautoko | Academic support

During your studies you will be supported by your course facilitators. They will be there to answer course related questions and ensure you understand the course content.

You will also have access to our Library and Learning Centre, who have their own unique kete of services to help with research and assignments.

Hauora Hinengaro | Mental health and wellbeing

Kei te manawapā? He āwangawanga rānei ōu? Feeling troubled or anxious?

Having a kōrero with a counsellor may help. We have partnered with Puāwaitanga and Vitae to give all our ākonga access to free and confidential phone and online counselling services:


Pūtea Tautoko | Scholarships and funding opportunities

We offer a range of scholarships and awards for our ākonga, including the Kua Hii Ake te Ata Study Award aimed at encouraging and supporting ākonga Māori. This scholarship is for ākonga completing a Level 4 or above qualification.

Amy Isaacs (Ngāpuhi), received the Kua Hii Ake te Ata Study Award when she studied for her Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management (Level 7).


Following her passion

After working full-time for many years, Amy Isaacs (Ngāpuhi) reached a point in her life where she wanted to make a change, and do something for herself that she enjoyed.

Amy Isaacs

Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management
New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies (Level 5)

Community library volunteer


Find out more about the Kua Hii Ake te Ata Study Award or our other scholarships and awards:


Tuku aromatawai i te reo Māori | Submitting your assignments in te reo Māori

As part of our commitment to supporting the goals and aspirations of Tangata Whenua, we strive to provide opportunities for our ākonga to submit assignments in te reo Māori. You may also be able to sit exams in te reo Māori.

We’re incredibly proud to say the number of our ākonga doing this each year is growing.

It made me want to strive even harder doing my assignments in te reo. At first I doubted myself, so being able to do it in my first language really helped.

Anehera Otimi Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Tainui, Hauraki

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