If you have studied before or have relevant work/life experience, you may be eligible for credit recognition towards the qualification you wish to study with us.
What is credit recognition?
If you have already completed some tertiary study in the past 10 years, you may be able to use this for credit recognition towards the qualification you wish to study with Open Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga.
We’re here to help - if you would like to talk with an Open Polytechnic staff member before making an application you are welcome to contact Customer Services by freephone 0508 650 200 or email:
Different pathways for credit recognition
Credit transfer
Download the Credit Transfer Application form (Word Doc)
You can apply to have a credit transferred to the qualification you are enrolled in if you have successfully completed exactly the same course at Open Polytechnic or another tertiary education organisation.
- If you completed the previous study through Open Polytechnic, you do not need to supply your Academic Transcript with your application.
- If you completed your course with another provider you must supply an original or verified copy of your Academic Transcript with your application. All documentation supplied will be retained by Open Polytechnic.
- If your previous study contains unit standards or achievement standards, you can either supply your NZQA Record of Achievement or NZQA National Student Number (NSN).
There is no charge for a Credit Transfer.
Cross credits
Download the Cross Credit Application form (Word Doc)
If a course/s that you have completed is very similar to a course offered at Open Polytechnic you can apply for cross credit. Your course/s must have been successfully completed within the last 10 years (however, some programmes may have regulations that specify a different period). Unit standards completed more than 10 years ago will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- If the course was not completed at Open Polytechnic you will need to supply the learning outcomes of the course, and an original or verified copy of your Academic Transcript.
- If the course you previously completed was with Open Polytechnic, the learning outcomes and Academic Transcript are not needed.
All documentation supplied will be retained by Open Polytechnic. If your previous study contains unit standards, achievement standards or NC5121 New Zealand Diploma in Business courses, you only need to give us your NZQA National Student Number (NSN).
There is no charge if you are using a course(s) completed at Open Polytechnic or another Te Pūkenga business division as the basis for your Cross Credit application.
The cost for a Cross Credit application for credit from another institution’s course/s to Open Polytechnic course/s costs are:
- $50 when applying for one course
- $100 when applying for two or more courses.
This is non-refundable, regardless of outcome.
You must specify what course/s you are seeking credit towards.
Need help?
Contact a Student Advisor if you need assistance.
Recognition of prior learning
Download the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Application form (Word Doc)
You may be able to get credit for Open Polytechnic courses from learning gained from life or work experience, or a combination of that experience and previous study.
The charge for RPL is $15 per credit, plus NZQA reporting fees (if applicable). This is non-refundable, regardless of outcome.
Your application for RPL must include a portfolio of evidence which will show how your prior experience or learning meets each of the learning outcomes in each of the courses you wish to receive credit for. Customer Services can supply the learning outcomes for Open Polytechnic courses.
Evidence needed for Recognition of Prior Learning applications
It is your responsibility to provide sufficient and accurate evidence, but you can contact us for more information.
Open Polytechnic does not award credit for work or life experience based solely on the experience itself. The credit that is awarded is based on your depth and quality of learning that is derived from that experience.
Forms of evidence for RPL
Your portfolio of evidence should include comprehensive evidence from within the last 10 years that clearly matches learning outcomes from the courses that credit is being requested for. If we cannot establish that you have met the learning outcomes from the evidence you provide, your application will not be approved.
Examples of evidence that can be combined for your portfolio are:
- Samples of your work that reflect the learning outcome/s of the course
- Professional development - training and courses you have completed
- Awards or certifications
- Details and evidence of relevant voluntary and community work
- An up-to-date CV that reflects the skills, knowledge and attributes of the course you are hoping to achieve, but please note that this is not sufficient evidence by itself.
You must include verification that this learning or work/life experience has occurred, in the form of attestation or letter of validation or confirmation from a credible and trustworthy source (cannot be from family, friends or co-workers). Examples of credible sources are:
- your previous or current employer
- community leader
- previous teacher
- local councillor
- church leader.
What makes for a good letter of validation or confirmation?
To be of most value, the letter must be on organisational letterhead (if applicable) and be written by the person who has direct knowledge of the learning that you are claiming. It should contain:
- Your name
- The dates of employment, or of the time the person has known you
- The position you held; or the capacity in which the person knows you
- The writer’s relationship to you
- For each knowledge, skill, or attribute you are providing as evidence, a verification that you can perform the skills to the level indicated; or that you have the knowledge or attribute you are claiming
- It will also be helpful if the writer includes comments on the quality of your performance in respect of each claim
- The letter must be signed by the writer, who should indicate the position he/she holds, or held, in relation to your claims.
Show your evidence is relevant to the course
It is not enough to say that you know how to do something - you need to provide evidence of current relevant skills and/or knowledge and show how it is relevant to the course you are seeking RPL for. A template for this is part of the RPL application form. You must
- List each outcome of the course/s separately
- State the evidence you have which shows you meet each learning outcome
- Describe clearly how this evidence meets the learning outcome.
Make copies
Ensure that you make and keep copies of your application and evidence before submitting them as all evidence will be kept by Open Polytechnic.
Advanced standing
Download the Advanced Standing Application Form (Word Doc)
This is a pre-approved pathway to be accepted into higher levels of study in a programme, recognising that your prior learning from within the last 10 years cannot be credited directly against specific courses in the programme.
There is no charge if you are using a qualification gained at Open Polytechnic or another Te Pūkenga business division as the basis for your Advanced Standing application.
If you are using a qualification gained at another institution as the basis for your Advanced Standing application, the application fee is $100. This is non-refundable, regardless of outcome.
For further information contact Customer Services
Programmes Advanced Standing pre-approved pathways are available for
OP7031 Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) — New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) NZ2851 version 1
Option A — NZ2851 version 1
Graduates of the Open Polytechnic NZ2851 New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) version 1 will be eligible for Advanced Standing of 105 credits into OP7031 Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) and be exempt from:
- EDU512 Tō Tātou Tiriti 1
- EDU513 Teacher Research and Inquiry 1
- EDU514 Learning and Development 1
- EDU515 Curriculum Studies 1
- EDU516 Identity, Language and Culture 1
- EDU517 Inclusive Practice 1
- EDU518 Professional Practice 1.
Option B — NZ2851 version 2
Graduates of the Open Polytechnic NZ2851 New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) version 2 will be eligible for Advanced Standing of 120 credits at Level 5.
Option C — Other providers NZ2851 version 1 or 2
Graduates of NZ2851 New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) version 1 or 2, from other providers will have their credit recognition applications assessed on a case-by-case basis.
OP7001 Bachelor of Business (unspecified major) - New Zealand Law Society Legal Executive Diploma (Level 6)
Applicants who have successfully completed the New Zealand Law Society Legal Executive Diploma (Level 6) (120 credits), provided it is no more than 10 years old, will be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Business (unspecified major) with advanced standing, and credited with:
- 71110 Introduction to Commercial Law
- 20 credits advanced standing at Level 5, and
- 80 credits advanced standing at Level 6.
OP7001 Bachelor of Business (unspecified major) - New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6)
Applicants who have successfully completed the New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6) (120 credits) will be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Business (unspecified major) with advanced standing, and credited with:
- 71110 Introduction to Commercial Law
- 20 credits advanced standing at Level 5, and
- 80 credits advanced standing at Level 6.
OP7001 Bachelor of Business - New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6)
Applicants who have successfully completed within the last 10 years NC5121 New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6) (240 credits) will be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Business with Advanced Standing. The amount of credit will depend on which major the applicant elects to study, and the specific courses completed in their New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6).
To be awarded a Bachelor of Business through an Advanced Standing pathways programme, learners must complete their programme in no more than 5 years from first enrolment on the pathways programme, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
NZ3508 New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6) - Law Society
Pathway A
Applicants who have certification from the New Zealand Law Society granting exemption from the course Introduction to the Legal System, will be eligible for admission to the New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6) with advanced standing, and credited with 20 credits at Level 5, and be exempted from LES501 Introduction to the Legal System.
Pathway B
Applicants who have certification from the New Zealand Law Society granting exemption from the course Introduction to Law Office Practice, will be eligible for admission to the New Zealand Diploma in Legal Executive Studies (Level 6) with advanced standing, and credited with 20 credits at Level 5, and be exempted from LES502 Introduction to Law Office Practice.
OP7080 Bachelor of Applied Management – NZ2459 New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) (versions 1, 2 or 3)
Administration and Technology, Human Resource Management, Leadership and Management, Marketing and Sales, and Project Management strands
Applicants who have successfully completed NZ2459 New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) qualification version 1, 2 or 3 with any of the following strands, Administration and Technology; Human Resource Management; Leadership and Management; Marketing and Sales; and Project Management, will be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Applied Management with advanced standing and credited with 120 credits at Level 5.
Applicants will then be required to complete the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Bachelor of Applied Management:
- 78101 Finance for Managers
- 78102 Management in Context
- 71234 Applied Management
- 71340 Strategic Management
- 74347 Practicum
- Plus 100 elective credits at Level 6
- Plus 40 elective credits at Level 7.
Accounting strand
Applicants who have successfully completed NZ2459 New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 5) Accounting strand qualification version 1, 2 or 3 will be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Applied Management with advanced standing and credited with 120 credits at Level 5.
Applicants will then be required to complete the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Bachelor of Applied Management:
- 78102 Management in Context
- 71234 Applied Management
- 71340 Strategic Management
- 74347 Practicum
- Plus 20 elective credits at Level 5 (not 71135 Organisational and Personal Learning)
- Plus 100 elective credits at Level 6
- Plus 40 elective credits at Level 7.
OP7080 Bachelor of Applied Management – New Zealand Defence Force Joint Warrant Officers Advanced Course
Applicants who have successfully completed the New Zealand Defence Force Joint Warrant Officers Advanced Course will be eligible for admission to OP7080 Bachelor of Applied Management, with advanced standing. Applicants will be credited with 240 credits comprising:
- 120 credits at Level 5
- 120 credits at Level 6.
Applicants will then be required to complete the following courses to satisfy the requirements of the Bachelor of Applied Management:
- 78101 Finance for Managers
- 78102 Management in Context
- 71340 Strategic Management
- 74347 Practicum
- 2 courses from the Level 7 electives.
OP7010 Bachelor of Applied Science (Environment) Advanced Standing pathway for applicants with NorthTec’s New Zealand Diplomas in Environmental Management (Terrestrial strand) (Levels 5 and 6)
Applicants who have completed NorthTec’s New Zealand Diploma in Environmental Management (Level 5) (Terrestrial strand) and New Zealand Diploma in Environmental Management (Level 6) (Terrestrial strand) will be credited with 120 Credits (advanced standing) at Level 5 and 120 Credits (advanced standing) at Level 6.
Applicants would need to complete a minimum of 80 credits @ Level 7 from the following elective choices:
- 72392 Environmental Systems and Strategies (20 credits)
- 72395 Environment and the Economy (20 credits)
- 72396 Environmental Perspectives and the Media (20 credits)
- 72397 Research Project (40 credits)
In addition, the applicants would need to complete a further 40 credits at Level 6 or Level 7 from any Open Polytechnic programme.
The only course that has a prerequisite is 72397 Research Project, which would be satisfied by the completion of NorthTec’s course 6002 Research Design and Methodology (Level 6).
Frequently asked questions
Is there a limit to the amount of credit by Credit Transfer, Cross Credit and RPL I can apply for?
Yes. Open Polytechnic examines applications for credit recognition on a case-by-case basis.
The more similar your previous study is to your intended Open Polytechnic programme, the more credit you are likely to get. The amount of credit you can be awarded depends on several factors such as the number of credits you previously achieved and how closely your previous study matches Open Polytechnic courses, and the age of your previous study (currency).
Some programmes have Regulations that limit the amount of credit recognition. There are also some programmes which have specific Credit Recognition regulations which are only applicable to that programme, e.g. Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education); Bachelor of Social Work. For further information please talk to Customer Services.
What effect could this application have on student loans and allowances?
You cannot apply for loans and allowances against courses you have had credited under the credit recognition process. As each application for credit recognition is unique, you should check www.studylink.govt.nz to see how your application could have an effect on your loans and allowances. You can also talk to Customer Services.
Can I appeal?
You can appeal the decision within seven working days of being advised of the outcome of your application.
You can call Customer Services by freephone 0508 650 200 or email with details of your request and you will be provided information on the Te Pūkenga Ākonga Appeals Policy and processes.
What is a verified copy?
Full details can be found on https://www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz/how-to-apply/what-documents-you-need-to-provide-us/
How old can my evidence be?
Your evidence must show that your skills and knowledge are current. Open Polytechnic considers any learning done within the last ten years as current. Some programmes have specific regulations that define currency.
If the date that you achieved your course is more than 10 years ago, but you have been using that knowledge recently, you should apply for RPL based on your recent demonstration of skills.
Unit standards completed more than 10 years ago will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
I have a combination of cross credit and RPL. What can I do?
If you can provide evidence of previous study for some courses, and can provide evidence of relevant work and life experiences for other courses, you should apply on separate forms for both a Cross Credit and an RPL.
This will cost less than doing a single RPL application.