Student loans

Ākonga pūtea taurewa

Student loans and allowances are administered by StudyLink. If you want to apply for a student loan you need to contact them separately when you apply to enrol with us. We cannot apply on your behalf.

Student loans at a glance – Studylink website 

To determine whether you are eligible for student loans and allowances use the Studylink Eligibility Test.

Make sure you apply for a student loan at least four weeks before the course’s start date. You need to know the number of EFTS (or credits) and the duration of the courses you have selected.

  • 120 credits = 1 EFTS
  • A 15 credit course = 0.125 EFTS
  • A 20 credit courses =0.1667 EFTS.

The duration is the length of time from the course start date to the course end date. Open Polytechnic courses are generally 16, 20 or 32 weeks. Our  courses are generally 15 or 20 credit courses.

Studying courses full-time

If you are studying full-time (a minimum of 50 credits over 16 weeks or a minimum of 100 credits over 32 to 52 weeks):

  • Your fees can be paid by student loan
  • You will be eligible to borrow course related costs
  • You may be eligible for an allowance.

If you have a break in study over the duration of your loan of more than three weeks, then you will not be paid during the break. You will be paid if the break is three weeks or less.

If you are a full-time learner receiving a student loan with living costs or a student allowance, you will need to meet your coursework requirements and send in work regularly. StudyLink requires us to notify them if you are not working in your courses.

Course related costs

  • You can borrow up to $1000 in course-related costs. 
  • You don’t have to borrow the full amount or apply for it all at once. 
  • You are also eligible to apply for course related costs once per annum or once each 52 week loan entitlement period.

Studying courses part-time

If you are not studying full time you may still be eligible for your fees to be paid by student loan but you will not be eligible to borrow course related costs for additional study expenses such as textbooks or workshops.

  • There is no EFTS/Credit restriction for part time, full year study with a duration in excess of 32 weeks.
  • You will have to be enrolled in 0.2500 EFTS if the duration is less than 32 weeks to be eligible for fees to be paid by student loan.
  • Your StudyLink student loan contract will be valid for 52 weeks (one year). For each loan contract you must pay a StudyLink administration fee.

To re-enrol without having to take out a new loan contract (and pay a new administration fee) you need to re-enrol with us within the first 20 weeks of your study so that any new courses fit within the 52 week period.

How long will my student loan take to process?

For information about when your loan will be processed contact Studylink:


During February and June they receive high numbers of applications, so it may take them longer to process your student loan. If you are concerned contact them.


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