If you want the flexibility to study where and when you want, online distance learning might be for you.
Find out about how online distance learning works, what you need for study and what to do if you aren't sure what to study.
Studying by distance learning
Te ako i tawhiti
Get prepared for study
Whakaritea koe mō te ako
Get prepared for online and distance learning by finding out what you need.
How much time will you need?
He aha te roanga o tēnei mahi?
When you’re thinking about studying, it’s important to consider how much time you’ll need for study.
About our qualifications
Ā tātou tohu mātauranga
Find out about the types of qualifications we offer and how long they may take to complete depending on how you study.
How to decide what to study
Te whakatau i tō ara mātauranga
Deciding what to study is a big decision. Get tips and ideas to help you take the first or next step on your study journey.