New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 4) [Version 2]


This programme is currently offered zero fees. 

To see if you are eligible for this offer, please see the Terms and Conditions.

Qualification Structure

This programme is made up of three compulsory courses.

This programme can only be studied one course at a time in order to build on previous learning.


Costs may be subject to change.

When you select a course to enrol in and choose your start date you will be given the correct amount.





Costs may be subject to change.

When you select a course to enrol in and choose your start date you will be given the correct amount.

Next intake


Compulsory Section
Early Childhood Practice for Young Children's Wellbeing EDU403 4 20

October enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Oct 2024
21 Oct 2024
9 Mar 2025

October enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Oct 2024
21 Oct 2024
9 Mar 2025

November enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
5 Nov 2024
18 Nov 2024
6 Apr 2025

December enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
3 Dec 2024
16 Dec 2024
4 May 2025

January enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
14 Jan 2025
27 Jan 2025
15 Jun 2025

February enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
11 Feb 2025
24 Feb 2025
13 Jul 2025

March enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
11 Mar 2025
24 Mar 2025
10 Aug 2025

April enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Apr 2025
21 Apr 2025
7 Sep 2025

May enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
6 May 2025
19 May 2025
5 Oct 2025

June enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
3 Jun 2025
16 Jun 2025
2 Nov 2025

July enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Jul 2025
21 Jul 2025
7 Dec 2025

August enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
5 Aug 2025
18 Aug 2025
4 Jan 2026

September enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
2 Sep 2025
15 Sep 2025
1 Feb 2026
Understanding Young Children's Learning and Development EDU404 4 20

October enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Oct 2024
21 Oct 2024
9 Mar 2025

October enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Oct 2024
21 Oct 2024
9 Mar 2025

November enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
5 Nov 2024
18 Nov 2024
6 Apr 2025

December enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
3 Dec 2024
16 Dec 2024
4 May 2025

January enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
14 Jan 2025
27 Jan 2025
15 Jun 2025

February enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
11 Feb 2025
24 Feb 2025
13 Jul 2025

March enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
11 Mar 2025
24 Mar 2025
10 Aug 2025

April enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Apr 2025
21 Apr 2025
7 Sep 2025

May enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
6 May 2025
19 May 2025
5 Oct 2025

June enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
3 Jun 2025
16 Jun 2025
2 Nov 2025

July enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Jul 2025
21 Jul 2025
7 Dec 2025

August enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
5 Aug 2025
18 Aug 2025
4 Jan 2026

September enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
2 Sep 2025
15 Sep 2025
1 Feb 2026
Professional Practice for Early Childhood Education and Care EDU405 4 20

October enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Oct 2024
21 Oct 2024
9 Mar 2025

October enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Oct 2024
21 Oct 2024
9 Mar 2025

November enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
5 Nov 2024
18 Nov 2024
6 Apr 2025

December enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
3 Dec 2024
16 Dec 2024
4 May 2025

January enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
14 Jan 2025
27 Jan 2025
15 Jun 2025

February enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
11 Feb 2025
24 Feb 2025
13 Jul 2025

March enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
11 Mar 2025
24 Mar 2025
10 Aug 2025

April enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Apr 2025
21 Apr 2025
7 Sep 2025

May enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
6 May 2025
19 May 2025
5 Oct 2025

June enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
3 Jun 2025
16 Jun 2025
2 Nov 2025

July enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
8 Jul 2025
21 Jul 2025
7 Dec 2025

August enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
5 Aug 2025
18 Aug 2025
4 Jan 2026

September enrolment dates

Enrol by -
Course starts -
Course ends -
2 Sep 2025
15 Sep 2025
1 Feb 2026

Zero fees offer - Terms and Conditions

This zero fees offer is for a limited time for domestic learners who meet the entry requirements and who have not already completed a similar or related qualification at a higher level. The end date will appear on this page at least two weeks before the offer ends.

End date for this offer: To be advised

What the zero fees offer covers

This zero fees offer only applies to the programme’s course fees.

It does not include provision of any textbooks, or any other additional fees incurred by a student. These will remain the responsibility of the student.

Applying to enrol

When you enrol in the programme or a course you need to fill in the enrolment form. Payment will not be required to complete your enrolment application (subject to terms and conditions).

Who is not eligible for this zero fees offer

You are not eligible for the zero fees offer if you are an international student.

You are not eligible if you have already completed a similar or related qualification at a higher level.

End date for this offer: To be advised

Need help choosing your courses?

Our student advisors can help you choose the right courses to suit your needs.