This course explores kaupapa Māori theory and how colonialism has impacted education and other outcomes for Māori, and why education inequalities need to be urgently addressed. Ākonga will critically examine past and current policies and legislation specific to ākonga Māori and make recommendations to bring about change and strengthen ākonga Māori educational achievement. Ākonga will strengthen their skills and knowledge of te reo Māori for use in education settings.
Cost$717 NZ Domestic
Delivery typeOnline only
Teaching weeks 16 weeks
Workload Approximately 10 hours per week
If you need to discuss prerequisites for this course
contact us
For more information watch the course introduction video below.
Learners who successfully complete this course will be able to:
- Critically examine the impact of the colonisation process following the signing of te Tiriti o Waitangi on Māori education outcomes.
- Discuss ways kaiako can bring about changes in challenging negative attitudes to te reo Māori and ensuring ākonga Māori educational success.
- Discuss ways early learning services and schools can build respectful relationships with iwi and the significance of the relationship for Māori and for education settings.
- Articulate a bicultural teaching approach that enhances educational achievement for Māori and considers kaupapa Māori theory.
- Evaluate their competency in using te reo Māori words, phrases and sentences relevant to the curriculum, and plan for future development.
100% internal assessment but does include attendance at a noho marae.
No textbooks are required for this course
Computer and internet requirements
To complete this course you will need access to a laptop or desktop computer, reliable broadband internet connection and a data plan able to support online learning such as streaming of videos (including YouTube), downloading content, and writing and submitting online assessments. If you are unsure if your current computer or internet access allows you to complete your online learning with us, please contact us before applying to enrol.
Learn more about our online learning and study tools.
How to enrol
Before enrolling in this course you need to:
- choose the qualification you will study the course under
- check the order that courses in the qualification should be studied in the Qualification Structure table. This is in the Choose courses and apply tab on the qualification page.
Work towards
You can do this course as part of these qualifications:
Bachelor's Degree
Course availability over the next 12 months