This professional experience placement provides ākonga with opportunities to develop the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions required to work in a school/kura. Ākonga are introduced to pedagogical skills, bi-cultural practices, and professional behaviours to ensure inclusive and respectful relationships with tamariki, parents, whānau and communities.
Cost$1,590 NZ Domestic
Delivery typeOnline only
Teaching weeks 16 weeks
Workload Approximately 19 hours per week
If you need to discuss prerequisites for this course
contact us
They begin to demonstrate that they can uphold the expectations of the Code and the underpinning values from Our Code Our Standards. Ākonga are also introduced to theoretical and practical models to integrate technology across the school curriculum and create digital pedagogical resources to enrich teaching practices. Integration of digital technologies is explored from an equity perspective ensuring ākonga consider tamariki who may not have computers or internet access at home.
Important enrolment deadline
Please note that this course closes 4-9 weeks before the course opens. For specific dates, view the 'Course availability over the next 12 months' details at the end of this page.
Ākonga who successfully complete this course will be able to:
- Interact in inclusive respectful, ethical, and professional ways with tamariki, parents, whanau and communities.
- Use observation and assessment methods to gather information about tamariki to support their learning and development.
- Plan learning experiences that are appropriate to the context and demonstrate reflective response to feedback.
- Integrate digital technologies into learning and teaching taking into account issues associated with the use of modern digital tools to promote inquiry-based learning.
100% internal assessment and includes a practicum.
No textbooks are required for this course.
Computer and internet requirements
To complete this course you will need access to a laptop or desktop computer, reliable broadband internet connection and a data plan able to support online learning such as streaming of videos (including YouTube), downloading content, and writing and submitting online assessments. If you are unsure if your current computer or internet access allows you to complete your online learning with us, please contact us before applying to enrol.
Learn more about our online learning and study tools.
Work towards
You can do this course as part of these qualifications:
Bachelor's Degree
Course availability over the next 12 months