This course will provide you with opportunities to develop your professional knowledge, skills and dispositions that will be required when working in a range of early childhood services and settings. The second practicum will further develop your pedagogical skills and professional knowledge to enable a full contribution to the early childhood setting. There will be a focus on supporting infants, toddlers and young children’s social competence through inclusive practice and pedagogies. You will be required to implement a range of teaching strategies including socio-cultural approaches to assessment and bi-cultural practice.
Cost$956 NZ Domestic
Delivery typeOnline/Print
Teaching weeks 18 weeks
Workload Approximately 12 hours per week
- 40 Credits or more at Level 6 in ECE Degree.
If you need to discuss prerequisites for this course
contact us
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to
- Contribute fully to the early childhood setting and to the teaching team, through being involved in activities, experiences, events, and relevant meetings
- Use socio-cultural assessment methods to gather information about children to support their learning and development
- Respond to the complexity and culture of each setting in curriculum decisions and use a range of teaching strategies and resources to support children’s learning and development
- Select and implement learning experiences that support infants, toddlers and children’s social competence in early childhood settings
- Incorporate bicultural understanding into pedagogical practices and professional behaviours during teaching practicum
- Articulate what it means to be a teacher and a member of a profession and consistently behave in ways that engender the confidence, trust and respect of their community
- Critically evaluate an implementation of socio-cultural assessment and planning based on a sound understanding of Te Whāriki, the abilities and interests of the children, and the aspirations and values of their families, whanau and communities
- Evaluate the use of your teaching kete
This course is 100% internally assessed
There is a textbook required for this course. Visit our textbook page for more information.
Computer and internet requirements
To complete this course you will need access to a laptop or desktop computer, reliable broadband internet connection and a data plan able to support online learning such as streaming of videos (including YouTube), downloading content, and writing and submitting online assessments. If you are unsure if your current computer or internet access allows you to complete your online learning with us, please contact us before applying to enrol.
Learn more about our online learning and study tools.
How to enrol
Before enrolling in this course you need to:
- choose the qualification you will study the course under
- check the order that courses in the qualification should be studied in the Qualification Structure table. This is in the Choose courses and apply tab on the qualification page.
Work towards
Course availability over the next 12 months