This page should answer any questions you have about NZ2851 New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) (Version 2)
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Cross credits and course completions
How long will the application process take?
After your interview you will be notified within two weeks the outcome of your application.
What do I need to provide for the online application process?
Your employment history, evidence of your previous qualifications, details of any criminal convictions or traffic infringements, a written piece about why you wish to be an early childhood teacher, your interests, hobbies, iwi and community involvement, two referees, verified identification and a consent form for police vetting.
What does the admission process involve?
The admission process includes completion of an online application for enrolment, shortlisting, interview and completion of a literacy and numeracy test.
I already have the level 4 Certificate in Early Childhood Practice does this give me entry into the level 5 diploma?
If you hold the level 4 Certificate in Early Childhood Practice, provided you meet all of our other entry requirements, you can gain entry into the level 5 diploma.
Who is this qualification for?
This qualification is for anyone who is interested in the early childhood education sector. It is for those who are passionate about facilitating the growth and development of the community by investing in the young children of today.