This page should answer any questions you have about NZ2754 New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workplace) (Level 5).
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Qualification equivalent
Is this qualification equivalent to US21204?
This qualification is the new New Zealand qualification in literacy and numeracy. The content is similar to US21204 but the unit is being revised at NZQA. We are teaching to the New Zealand qualifications which are recently developed following the Mandatory Review of Qualification (MROQ) review at NZQA.
Course information
How long will the qualification take me?
There are two courses in this qualification. Each course will involve you working through five modules of learning.
The five modules of learning will take you to week 10 where you will have your first assessment. At week 14 you will have your second assessment and will be finishing the course content.
How are the courses delivered?
The courses are delivered fully online.
How will I be assessed?
Two assignments each worth 50% each. One due in Week 10 the other due in Week 14.
Who is this qualification for?
Tutors who are involved with teaching students who are primarily foundation level learners. It could be within a polytechnic, PTE, ITO or within a community organisation.