Withdrawals and course transfers

To withdraw from your course or transfer your course to another start date check the information on this page and submit the form that applies to your circumstances.


Steps you must follow to request to withdraw from your course or transfer to another course start date:

  1. Check your course start date in the MyOP Learner Portal so you can find the criteria below that is relevant to your situation.
  2. Read all of the sections below to ensure you choose the best option for your circumstances and meet the requirements for a withdrawal or transfer.
  3. Fill in the 'Request to transfer' or 'Request to withdraw' form, depending what you need to do. We do not accept phone calls or emails. 

After you submit the relevant form you will get a copy by email.  We will use the date you submit the form as the date of withdrawal or transfer, so it is important to complete this form as soon as possible.

Note – If you withdraw or transfer to another start date there may be financial or other implications, so please read the relevant information below before submitting the form. 

Can we help?

If you need help with any aspect of your study, such as how to study, time management or if you have difficulty understanding the course content we’re here to help. You can go to MyOP to book a call with a Student Mentor (just choose the service that’s right for you), or talk to our Customer Services team.

Go to MyOP to book time with a Student Mentor 

If you would like to speak to someone about your enrolment, withdrawing, transfer, fees refunds, or Special Consideration before you fill in the withdrawal or transfer form, please get in touch with  our Customer Services team:

The following withdrawal and transfer criteria is based on the Regulatory Framework.

Withdrawal and transfer criteria

  • Before the course start date and within the first 28 days of the course start


    • You can apply to withdraw, and if you paid course fees, they will be refunded to the account the funds were received from. There will be no record of enrolment on your academic transcript. 
    • If your course enrolment was transferred under special consideration you can withdraw but will not get a fees refund and your academic transcript will display ‘Withdrawn'. 


    • You can apply to transfer a course to a new start date if the course is available for enrolment on our website.
    • You can only transfer your course to a new start date once.
    • You need to submit the request no later than 28 days after the course start date. 
    • You will be liable to pay any difference if there are increased fees. 

    Note - you need to fill the form separately for each course you want to transfer to another start date. 


  • After 28 days of the course start and within 80% the course duration


    • You can apply to withdraw, but you will not get a refund of your fees and your academic transcript will display ‘Withdrawn’.
    • If you have not paid your fees and apply to withdraw the fees must still be paid. Debt collection processes will be followed.
    • If you do not apply to withdraw and do not submit any work you are liable to pay the fees. 

    If you are experiencing exceptional circumstances, please apply for Special Consideration before your course end date and ensure to attach evidence as required (see the special consideration section below). 


    • You can not transfer to another course start date if it is past 28 days after your original course start date. 
    • you need to withdraw from your course using the form linked above and re-enrol in the course selecting the new date you would like to start the course.


  • After 80% of the course duration

    Withdrawals and transfers

    • You cannot apply to withdraw or transfer after 80% of the course duration.
    • If you are experiencing exceptional circumstances, please apply for Special Consideration before your course end date and ensure to attach evidence as required (see the special consideration information below).
    • If you do not submit your assessments on or before the due date or extended due date, your academic transcript will display courses you do not complete with the relevant failing grade.
    • As stated in the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, any unpaid fees must be paid. Debt collection processes will be followed.

Special consideration

  • Special consideration for exceptional circumstances

    If you are experiencing exceptional circumstances, you can apply for Special Consideration before the course end date and you need to provide evidence of your circumstances. 

    The Academic Registrar may approve an extension of your assessment due dates, a transfer or a full or proportional refund that takes into account the specific circumstances, the relevant regulations, and other requirements. If you are approved a late withdrawal or transfer, please read the conditions in the email we send you.  

    Fill in the form below to apply for Special Consideration and include supporting documentation / evidence that is required: 

    Application for special consideration 


Reasons we may withdraw you from your course

  • No engagement in your online course

    If you do not log in to your course in iQualify and start working through the course learning materials within 28 days of your course start date we may withdraw you from the course. We will send you an email a week before any action is taken so you have time to log in and start your online learning journey.

    If you are withdrawn for this reason:

    • You will be notified.
    • There will be no record of enrolment on your academic transcript.
    • StudyLink will be informed if you have loans and/or allowances.
    • Any fees paid will be refunded if the action is taken within the first 28 days.


  • Late fee payments

    If you do not pay your fees in full within the first 28 days of your course start date and we have not received a withdrawal or transfer application from you may be withdrawn.  If you intended to pay your fees by student loan, but you cancelled your loan or it was declined, you need to contact us to make other fees payment arrangements. 

    If you do not apply to withdraw within 28 days of your course start date, you will remain liable for any applicable fees.

    We will send you an email a week before any action is taken so you have time to log in and start your online learning journey.

    If you are withdrawn for this reason:

    • You will be notified.
    • There will be no record of enrolment on your academic transcript.
    • Studylink will be informed if you have loans and/or allowances.
    • Fees will be refunded if the action is taken within the first 28 days.

    Note – This withdrawal information is based on the regulations outlined in Te Kawa Maiororo Te Pūkenga Educational Regulatory Framework, and includes an approved variation to Section 2E, 2.22 and 2.23. 


  • Non-submission of assessments by due date

    If you do not engage with the course materials and submit assessments by the due dates shown on your MyOP Learner Portal homepage you may be withdrawn from your course if it was offered to you fees free. 

    If you are withdrawn for this reason:

    • There will be no record of enrolment on your academic transcript.
    • Studylink will be informed if you have loans and/or allowances.
    • Fees will be refunded if the action is taken within the first 28 days.