If your course has a set text you are expected to purchase a copy.
How to buy a set text.
- If your course has a set text it can be purchased or ordered from Campus Books
- The Open Polytechnic Library & Learning Centre may have your set text as an ebook which you can read online. The Library & Learning Centre does not lend print set texts.
Order textbooks through Campus Books
If your course has a set text it can be ordered from Campus Books.
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Required Textbooks
Applied Science Degree, Psychology Elective
73131 Psychology of Grief
- Grief and Loss: Theories and Skills for the Helping Professions, 2nd or 3rd edition, Walsh, 9780205827091 or 9781478647386. (Campus Books cannot supply this text, however the 3rd edition can be rented or purchased from VitalSource)
73325 Psychological Assessment
- Psychological Testing and Assessment, 2nd or 3rd edition, Shum, O'Gorman, Myors & Creed, 9780195520415 or 9780190305208
Social Work Degree
77333 Organisation, Management and Interprofessional Practice
- Organisations and Management in Social Work: Everyday action for change, 4th edition, Hughes and Wearing, 9781526463852
Early Childhood Education Degree
75304 Research and Inquiry 3
- Observation: Origins and Approaches to Early Childhood Research and Practice, Podmore, 9781877398131
- Doing Educational Research: a practitioners guide to getting started, 2nd edition, Mutch, 9781877398018
- Doing Early Childhood Research: International Perspectives on Theory and Practice, MacNaughton, Rolfe and Siraj Blat, 9781742370699
Diploma In Engineering (Mechanical)
DE4101 Engineering Fundamentals
- Engineering Mechanics, 1st edition, Ivanoff, 9780071010030
DE4301 Engineering CAD
- Engineering Drawing, 8th edition, Boundy, 9780071016766
DE6101 Engineering Management
- Fundamentals of Project Management: tools and techniques, 2nd edition, Burke, 9780958273367
Textbook information updated 30/01/25