Exam reconsiderations, resits and the return of exam papers

This page includes information on how to get your final grade reconsidered, re-sitting exams, and how to get your exam papers back. 

All communication about exams must be through the Academic Registry Exams team until your results are officially released. You must not communicate directly with your lecturers or tutors about your exams.

Re-consideration of your final grade

A reconsideration is when your in-course summative assessment(s) and/or final exam is re-marked  by a different marker.

More information about re-considerations:

Reconsideration of assessment or final course grade

Re-sit of final exam

Learners who have successfully completed all other in-course summative work for courses with exams can apply for one resit of their final exam (a second opportunity to sit the examination) unless prohibited by the programme regulations. 

You may be eligible to apply to resit your exam the next time the course is offered if you:

  • completed all your in-course summative assessments and met the course requirements, and
  • did not sit an exam and received a fail or Absent (AB) result, or
  • failed to pass the exam, or
  • passed the examination but failed to pass the course.

Further information and eligibility criteria to resit examinations are published on the form.

You must apply for your resit and pay the $250 application fee per course within 20 working days of the official release of your results.

After being enrolled, you will be given read-only access to the course materials. You cannot repeat your course work for the course as part of this enrolment. Full marks are available for a resit exam.

Withdrawing from a Resit Examination

You may withdraw your application for a resit examination and be refunded the fee paid by writing to the Academic Registrar at least 20 working days before the date of your resit examination. Send your email to resultsandexams@openpolytechnic.ac.nz 


Return of marked exam papers

Exam papers can be returned to you after reconsideration applications are finalised. There is no fee for this service.

All you need to do is:


  • email resultsandexams@openpolytechnic.ac.nz  
    • provide us with your student ID
    • provide a list of the papers you want returned, stating course code and name
    • provide us with your postal address.

Exam papers are held for six months before destruction.


Need help?

If you have any queries about reconsiderations, resits and the return of exam papers, please contact the Exams Team, Academic Registry:



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