Using AI - Artificial Intelligence services

If you use AI services (artificial intelligence) when you are preparing and researching your assessment, you must use your own words and reference the source of the information you use in your assessment. 


Open Polytechnic does not support inappropriate use of Generative AI services.

While you can use AI to support your research for your assessment, you must not present any output from any AI services as your own work in your assessment submissions.  

  • You must use your own words.
  • You must reference correctly if you paraphrase or quote from a source such as a textbook, website and AI service. 

If you submit an assessment using content copied directly from an AI service without acknowledgement, it is a form of academic dishonesty. This may result in serious academic penalties.  

For more information about what academic dishonesty is and academic integrity see:

Academic integrity

For more information on using Generative AI: 

Generative AI in learning - Library and Learning Centre website


For more information about finding good sources and study tips for researching and completing your assessments:

Finding and using good information - Library and Learning Centre website

Study tips and techniques