Writing and submitting assessments

What you need to know about assessments including where to check due dates, how to submit your assessment for marking and word limits and word count guidelines.

For all courses you will need to complete and submit assessments on or before the due date so that we can assess your knowledge and skills and ensure you meet the learning outcomes of your course. 

On this page you can find information about:

  • Assessment due dates
  • Assessment types
  • Word limits and word count guidelines
  • Submitting your assessment for marking  
  • Where to see your marked assessments and results. 

Assessment due dates

It’s important you try to complete your assessments on or before their due date.  You can check the due dates in:

  • MyOP Learner Portal and
  • In your iQualify course by looking at the assessment information in the ‘Tasks’ or ‘Assessments’ tab.

If MyOP shows the dates as ‘Unavailable’ you must submit your assessments before course end date, but the assessment information in iQualify will show recommended dates for you to submit your work. 

Assessment extensions

If you are cannot submit your assessment on time you need to apply for an assessment extension in MyOP or Special Consideration.

Learn more about extensions and Special Consideration

If you apply for an extension remember to consider how you will balance doing the assessment with continuing your course work. If you need help to plan your time, go to MyOP to book a session with a Student Mentor. 

Late submissions

If you submit an assessment late (after the due date or the end date of the course) and have not applied for an extension or special consideration it may not be marked.   For more information refer to the Academic Statute.

Completing your assessments

Assessments are how we get and evaluate evidence of your learning. There are two main types:

  • Formative assessments - these are tasks and activities within your online course that help you learn and understand the concepts and content. You can also see these in 'Tasks' in iQualify under the 'Non-assessed'  tab. They do not count towards your final grade.
  • Summative assessments - formal assessment tasks that are used to evaluate your understanding and learning, comparing the work you submit against a standard. This shows if you meet the learning outcomes of the course. You can find these in 'Tasks' in iQualify under the 'Assessed' tab when your course starts.

There are two ways we mark and grade summative assessments:

  • Competency-based assessments measure your ability to apply your knowledge and skills against a required standard. To pass, every part of the assessment must reach the required standard.
  • Achievement based assessments measure the extent to which your work demonstrates the required skills and knowledge by the task and marks may range from 0 to 100% with the associated grade. 
  • Types of assessments you may do

    Common assessments types you might have to do include:

    • Writing essays, reports or short answer questions
    • Practical tasks such as recording workplace activities
    • Presentations, including video or audio submissions
    • Portfolios of evidence
    • Online quizzes
    • Participating in an online or in-person assessment.

    When you start working on your assessment read what you need to do carefully, including the marking schedule. This will tell you what you need to cover, what the marker will be looking for, and the word limit and count guidelines. 

    Assessment writing tips

    Academic writing and research support

  • Word limit and word count guidelines

    Word limit and word count guidelines are stated for all assessments in the assessment instructions in your course in iQualify.

    The difference between word count guidelines and word limits

    Word count guidelines

    • Word count guidelines are the recommended word count for an assessment.
    • They help you to understand the expectation of workload for an assessment.
    • There are no penalties for not meeting the word count guideline. 

    Word limits

    • Word limits are the word count that you must keep within to avoid a penalty.
    • We use them when writing in a concise and focused manner is an important skill to develop. 
    • Some assessments will have a word limit, then each question within the assessment will also provide a word count guideline so you know what is expected to keep within the overall word limit. 

    Applying word limits

    Your completed assessment should not be more than 10% over the word count guideline or word limit.

    • If you submit an assessment longer than 110% of the word limit, marking will stop at 110% of the word limit. 
    • This is the penalty for going 10% over the word limit. We will give you feedback on the marked part of your assessment. 

    If you get a fail grade check your course's assessment information to see the course pass requirements and if you can resubmit the assessment. Resubmission rules are based on the course regulations.

    Including a word count

    • For most assessments write your word count at the end of the assessment. This goes before the references and appendices.
    • If we provide a title page template to use, the word count goes on the title page. For example, many psychology courses assessments use a title page.

    What to include in your word count

    A word count is the number of words in your assessment, including any headings.

    Microsoft Word and similar software provide a word count. In Microsoft Word this is on the bottom left of the page, but for more accuracy select the text you want to check go to the 'Review' tab and click ‘Word Count’.

    What not to include in your word count

    Do not include the following in the word count:

    • title page
    • reference list
    • abstracts
    • tables and table headings
    • figures and figure headings
    • footnotes and endnotes
    • appendices. 

    Got a question? 

    If you have any questions about word limits and word count guildelines contact our our Library and Learning Centre | Te Whare Pukapuka Wāhanga Whakapakari Ako team.

    Contact the Library and Learning Centre 

How to submit your assessment for marking

Before you submit your assessment for marking, check and make sure you have:

  • Completed all the questions and included all parts of the assessment task
  • Included your name, student number and the assessment number
  • Proofread your work. Use a spell checker, but remember it won't pick up every mistake, and do not use AI-paraphrasing tools to change your answers - More about using AI
  • Checked the references and appendices - How to reference

Always keep a copy of your assessment in case it gets lost. We do not provide you with copies of your assessments. 

Note - Turnaround time for marking is usually 15 working days. 

  • Submitting assessments online in iQualify

    You can upload and submit most of your assessments online from your course page in iQualify.

    File types

    • Most file types can be uploaded
    • You can submit PDFs if they are saved from a Word (or similar) document, but please do not submit PDFs that are scanned or print-to-PDF.
    • Some assessments may require a specific file type, which will be made clear in the assessment task.

    How to submit an assessment in iQualify

    • In your course go to 'Tasks' in the left menu (in some courses this may be called ‘Assessments’).
    • On the relevant assessment click 'Go to page'.
    • Click ‘Add file’. This will let you choose where you want to upload the file from (e.g. your computer or online files).
    • Your uploaded file will then appear under the ‘Uploaded file’ section. This confirms the file is uploaded, but not submitted. If you want to change the file, click 'X' to remove it, and upload a new file.
    • Push 'Submit' to submit your assessment for marking.

    Remember - Do not email your assessment to your Course Facilitator or anyone else at the Open Polytechnic. It may not go into our system or may get lost. 


    If your marker advises you that you can resubmit an assessment you need to resubmit it within seven days after the assessment was marked, and you were notified. Late resubmissions after the course end date may not be marked. 

    If your marker advises you that you can resubmit an assessment and it is after the course end date, your course in iQualify will move to the ‘Past Courses’ tab. You need to go there to resubmit your assessment.


    Get text notifications that your assessment is marked

    If you would like to get a text notification that your assessment is marked, you can set this up in iQualify:

    How to set up notifications in iQualify 

    We recommend you do this so that if you do not pass and have a resubmission opportunity you will be notified. You must resubmit within the time frame stated in your feedback. 

  • Posting your assessment

    Before you post your assessment:

    • Number all pages and include your name and student number on each page
    • Make sure all the pages are included and staple the assignment in the top left corner only
    • Make sure you include the correct ‘Assessment return sheet’ (coversheet) that was sent to you with your course material. Check your name, address and student ID. If the information is incorrect, please let us know.
    • If you don’t have an Assessment Return Sheet, contact your course leader to ask for one. 

    Post your assessment in the freepost, addressed envelope provided.  


    • Don’t post, fax or email assessments to your lecturer or the Open Polytechnic, as they may not be tracked, read or marked.  
    • Only send in one copy of your assessment. 

Marking and results

For information about marking and results go to the page below:

Read more about assessment results 

Need help?

If you have any questions about your assessments including submitting your assessments please get in touch: