Open Polytechnic is continually evolving its services to meet the changing needs of our distance learners. We are taking the next step in this journey and we want to share our vision with you.
We’re undertaking a transformation programme driven by a vision of Open Polytechnic distance learning, which is convenient, relevant, connected and smart.
In 2018, we began introducing a number of changes to give learners a broader range of academic and mentoring support, increase industry involvement in courseware development, and reflect the latest advances in education technology.
We are also making changes to the way we organise ourselves as a polytechnic so we can deliver on our vision. There will be staffing changes for some courses, but teaching and learning will continue uninterrupted.
We’ll be taking a phased approach to introducing these changes, and are committed to ensuring you continue to enjoy quality learning as we implement our vision.
We’ll keep in touch and let you know as we introduce new services and support to help you on your learning journey. Until then, if you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch:
Enhancing your learning experience
Our vision is an Open Polytechnic learning experience that is:
Convenient, with greater choice for learners about:
- when to enrol
- what programmes to enrol in, based on an assessment of prior learning
- how to access digital learning
- when to learn, with learning and support available 24/7
- at what pace to progress through their learning.
Relevant, with personalised learning that:
- is self-directed, using assessment when the learner is ready and rich learner analytics to tailor programmes and support
- meets current and future industry needs, through portfolio design, learning resources developed in partnership with industry, workplace learning support and workplace assessment.
Connected, through learners engaging with:
- contemporary interactive courseware
- peers, academic staff, facilitators, workplace mentors and assessors and international experts, all connected to the learner in a learning community
- a tiered system of support, that utilises technology to track learners’ progress and keep them engaged.
Smart, continuously improving experiences for learners through:
- using data about learners’ progress and achievements to inform the ongoing design of resources and support
- seeking and responding to learners’ feedback.